improving healthcare quality

Using Health Data To Determine How Clinical Intervention Can Work

Before we can measure success or failure of Clinical intervention, we need to know what constitutes a clinical intervention and how to determine if the intervention was effective. So, quality improvement in healthcare. A clinical intervention is a process of studying collected data from a clinic or group of clinics, to determine and outline a problem, then determine possible actions to take to improve outcomes. The plan must then be implemented, actions taken, data collected and outcome of the intervention studied to measure the effectiveness of the intervention. To do this, the team must use data and techniques like Value Stream Mapping and EDW (healthcare enterprise data warehouse) to find the root cause of the problem, then determine the best actions for quality and cost improvement.

Measuring clinical interventions is important, because of the need to know the degree of success improvement actions achieved. If the planned clinical interventions did not improve the quality of patient care or the cost improvement that was needed, they must be discontinued and better actions determined and implemented. Medical data stored online in a healthcare enterprise data warehouse can be analyzed for many purposes. When data from thousands of patients, nationwide, is stored in one giant cloud-based data storage service, trends can be seen that can be very helpful in improving patient care and clinical quality. For those seeking to identify the largest opportunities for improvement in quality and cost improvement, this stored medical data is essential.

When managing clinical interventions, the professionals must have data collected to help them develop an AIM statement. Aim statements are good, because they help focus the clinical intervention on measurable, time-sensitive goals. This kind of statement is developed before an intervention to determine causes of the problem, set measurable team goals and plan the improvement actions to take and how the process will be measured. The process measures are incremental indicators of the progress achieved toward the improvement goal. One technique for using the available data is called Value Stream Mapping, which helps identify the root cause of quality issues.. Statistical Process Control charts of various kinds are also very useful in helping the team visualize the progress or lack of progress in the clinical intervention.

These charts are made with captured data from the intervention process, and display data in chart or graph form. The graph will display data in a time sequence that helps show change over time. These charts establish upper and lower control limits, a vertical and horizontal axis and a center-line. They show patterns forming in the data that help determine progress of actions taken to meet improvement goals. More information can be found.